95 research outputs found

    Some Lambda Calculus and Type Theory Formalized

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    "This paper is about our hobby." That is the first sentence of [MP93], the first report on our formal development of lambda calculus and type theory, written in autumn 1992. We have continued to pursue this hobby on and off ever since, and have developed a substantial body of formal knowledge, including Church-Rosser and standardizationtheorems for beta reduction, and the basic theory ofPure Type Systems (PTS) leading to the strengthening theorem and type checking algorithms for PTS. Some of this work is reported in [MP93, vBJMP94, Pol94b, Pol95]. In the present paper we survey this work, including some new proofs, and point out what we feel has been learned about the general issues of formalizing mathematics. On the technical side, we describe an abstract, and simplified, proof of standardization for beta reduction, not previously published, that doesnot mention redex positions or residuals. On the general issues, we emphasize the search for formal definitions that are convenient for formal proof and convincingly represent the intended informal concepts. The LEGO Proof Development System [LP92] was used to check the work in an implementation of the Extended Calculus of Constructions(ECC) with inductive types [Luo94]. LEGO is a refinement styleproof checker, publicly available by ftp and WWW, with a User's Manual [LP92] and a large collection of examples. Section 1.3 contains information on accessing the formal development described in this paper. Other interesting examples formalized in LEGO include program specification and data refinement [Luo91], strong normalization of System F [Alt93], synthetic domain theory [Reu95, Reu96], and operational semantics for imperative programs [Sch97]

    Deliverables: a categorical approach to program development in type theory

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    This thesis considers the problem of program correctness within a rich theory of dependent types, the Extended Calculus of Constructions (ECC). This system contains a powerful programming language of higher-order primitive recursion and higher-order intuitionistic logic. It is supported by Pollack's versatile LEGO implementation, which I use extensively to develop the mathematical constructions studied here. I systematically investigate Burstall's notion of deliverable, that is, a program paired with a proof of correctness. This approach separates the concerns of programming and logic, since I want a simple program extraction mechanism. The Sigma-types of the calculus enable us to achieve this. There are many similarities with the subset interpretation of Martin-Löf type theory. I show that deliverables have a rich categorical structure, so that correctness proofs may be decomposed in a principled way. The categorical combinators which I define in the system package up much logical book-keeping, allowing one to concentrate on the essential structure of algorithms. I demonstrate our methodology with a number of small examples, culminating in a machine-checked proof of the Chinese remainder theorem, showing the utility of the deliverables idea. Some drawbacks are also encountered. I consider also semantic aspects of deliverables, examining the definitions in an abstract setting, again firmly based on category theory. The aim is to overcome the clumsiness of the language of categorical combinators, using dependent type theories and their interpretation in fibrations. I elaborate a concrete instance based on the category of sets, which generalises to an arbitrary topos. In the process, I uncover a subsystem of ECC within which one may speak of deliverables defined over the topos. In the presence of enough extra structure, the interpretation extends to the whole of ECC. The wheel turns full circle

    A type- and scope-safe universe of syntaxes with binding: their semantics and proofs

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    Almost every programming language's syntax includes a notion of binder and corresponding bound occurrences, along with the accompanying notions of alpha-equivalence, capture-avoiding substitution, typing contexts, runtime environments, and so on. In the past, implementing and reasoning about programming languages required careful handling to maintain the correct behaviour of bound variables. Modern programming languages include features that enable constraints like scope safety to be expressed in types. Nevertheless, the programmer is still forced to write the same boilerplate over again for each new implementation of a scope safe operation (e.g., renaming, substitution, desugaring, printing, etc.), and then again for correctness proofs. We present an expressive universe of syntaxes with binding and demonstrate how to (1) implement scope safe traversals once and for all by generic programming; and (2) how to derive properties of these traversals by generic proving. Our universe description, generic traversals and proofs, and our examples have all been formalised in Agda and are available in the accompanying material available online at https://github.com/gallais/generic-syntax

    Towards a Repository of Bx Examples

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    We argue for the creation of a curated repository of examples of bidirectional transformations (bx). In particular, such a resource may support research on bx, especially cross-fertilisation between the different communities involved. We have initiated a bx repository, which is introduced in this paper. We discuss our design decisions and their rationale, and illustrate them using the now classic Composers example. We discuss the difficulties that this undertaking may face, and comment on how they may be overcome. 1
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